My Journey into the YouTube and Game Industries… Month 66

Red Head Gaming Studios
10 min readMar 4, 2024


Hi Guys

Here is the update for the last the month!

06/02/24 — New milestone hit:

Just reached 2300 hours of valid watch time, totaling 2314.

21:24 — Well, I’ve made a lot of progress today with the 4K recording and live streaming. I haven’t tested the streaming yet, but I hope to have time tomorrow to give it a try and provide some feedback.

The 4K recording went well, and the video I’ve tested so far is much higher quality than I had anticipated. There is still some testing and work to be done to refine it.

09/02/24 — I’ve just completed creating these:

I used Canva to create them as I had to design them for the live streaming.

12/02/24 —

Update for:

10/02/24: I continued working on the same project, simply focusing on getting the streaming content down.

11/02/24: The job was almost completed when the electricity went off. I just had to leave the task alone and return to it today, (12/02/24)

12/02/24 — When I returned to work on, I discovered that the HDR setting was corrupted. I had to go back and adjust the settings in order to get everything to function properly again.

It is so disheartening to learn that the setting won’t function when you are so near to completion.

I’ll start things going, and perhaps by today’s end, it will be finished.

Nevertheless, I’ve managed to organize everything for streaming on Obs; as for the settings I’m simply going to reset everything since the settings will give me a problem later.

16:52 — just got this from X:

I won’t be posting any material on here any longer. There’s simply no justification.

13/02/24 — Takealot update:

I’ll try it on another website…

14/02/24 —

Weekly recap:

New Insight.:

15/02/24 — New milestone hit today:

Currently have 2501 valid public watch hours, having crossed 2500 valid watch hours. 499 more valid watch hours are needed to reach the first milestone, and 1499 more to reach the second.

It will now take me less than 1500 legitimate watch hours to complete the YPP.

18:45 — I should note that I’m really busy attempting to get the live stream and recording settings in working order.

This update relates to selling; I have completed putting a product on a website in South Africa. The posting may be seen at this link:

Let’s hope everything goes smoothly…

Regarding streaming, it is not going to work the way I had hoped. My idea was to be able to record and stream simultaneously. I would prefer to do this in 4K, and my computer is capable of doing so, but there is just too much that needs to be optimized. I don’t have the time to do this at the moment, but I will set up both the recording and streaming settings for 4K and use them for different occasions when necessary.

20/02/24 — Weekly Recap:

Newly achieved milestone:

Just completed 2600 hours of valid public watch hours, for a total of 2607

There are just 393 more to reach first YPP milestones, and 1393 more to reach the second milestone.

It’s so near at this point!!

22/02/24 —New insights:

24/02/24 — Update: The vids achieved a significant milestone today:

I recently completed uploading all of my God of War video edits, but the game is still unfinished. I encountered an issue when recording the gameplay, so I will have to restart it from scratch.

This is a nice milestone since I now need to start uploading a lot more videos for these days as I haven’t uploaded much lately. For now, I will try to upload other games as I have the other gameplay video footage ready for upload.

There have been 25 videos uploaded today.

These are the thumbnails for every video that was posted today, marking a record for the most videos uploaded in a single day.

25/02/24 — We’ve just reached a significant milestone:

Just reached and exceeded 2700 valid watch hours, totaling 2709; now, 291 remain to reach the first milestone, and 1291 remain to reach the second to join the YPP.

One more significant achievement:

These are all of the uploads from today; there were 35 overall, which is currently the most for any day thus far! Right now, I’m attempting to release as much material as I can.

27/02/24 — Weekly Recap:

Newly achieved milestone:

I just reached my target goal of 501 valid watch hours for the month, therefore I won’t be adding a stretched goal because the month is almost over.

Indeed, I achieved the goal!!! YEAH!!!

Thus far, there have been 2768 valid watch hours! Indeed, near to the first milestone!

There are now only 232 valid watch hours required!

01/03/24 — New milestone hit:

The current valid watch time is 2813.

With only 187 remaining, less than 200 valid watch hours remain to reach the first milestone!

02/03/24 — Well today is the day I upload my artlice I will be doing this on Monday (04/03/24) now as I like to have a weekend off, and be with my family.

Here are the current month’s statistics thus far.

Monthly Recap:

Currently, just 156 are required to reach the YPP’s first milestone.

Update: live streaming — as of right now I will doing setting for HD content for streaming and recording will test these setting and update on this later on…

Here is the stats on February:

This above graph is all about watch hours!!

Please see older article on this… Thank You!

Here is a link to it:

My Journey into the YouTube and Game Industries… Month 63

Scroll down to this point (where you can find the above graph)

February goal was 2767 hours of valid public watch time. I have reach this objective and did pass it for a total of 2844 valid watch hours, with an average valid public watch hour for this month is 18.07. In addition, I completed 524 valid public watch hours.

For next month’s goal = 3344.

This goal of 3344 is a total of 500 valid watch hours for next month, there will be no stretched goals.

Subs Total 745

Less then 255 subs left to go!!! YEAH.

Did not reached my goal of 780 this month (short by 35 subs).

I am not hit the sub goals…

I am going to place a goal of only 15 subs, we will see if I am able to hit this goal for next month.

Goal total subs = 760

For the past few months I have not found a good routine to upload videos.

With the manner I’m working right now, I plan to post a lot more content, and I’m hoping that this will cause the number of subscribers to rise once more.

Update: The 1000 sub mark will be reached on October 31st (lost 7 days) last estimate was October 24th. (This is using the info I have gained over the last month, a better month will drop the projection… and a worse month will increases it — last month was BAD!!).

My end goal is to try to get to 1000 subs before July!! This is still do able…

For this Month:

This is what I managed to achieve:

Subs : 745 (+12)

Watch time (hours) : 2844(+524) (Valid Watch Time) (Feb 29th, 2023)

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And that’s it!!

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Thanks For Reading!!

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“Anyway, do that and you’ll start seeing great follower growth. It’s true that a lot of those followers won’t interact with your stuff- but don’t think like it’s supposed to be everyone reading everything. That’s silly. Instead, think about it like advertising- they’re all now going to see your articles from time to time on their feed. That’s free advertising. If 10 people out of every 100 click, be that’s a 10% conversion rate. In advertising, 10% is pretty standard. Don’t think small- reach for 10,000+ followers.”

by The Accidental Monster

Can be found on:

My Journey into the GAMING Industry… Learning!! Day 44



Red Head Gaming Studios

Red head gaming studios is a company that I created. And although it is relatively new my aim is to create a community of gamers and non-gamers.